Sunday, August 30, 2009


Well, there is no picture to post today. I am bored. I cannot do too much of anything with my bum knee. I am considering starting a blog or yahoo group for "decos" or "friendship books". I have been reading about them and am a little curious and want to do something like this. If this is something you might be interested in, or already do, let me know. I will keep you updated on what I think.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pink Hearts Doily

Well, here it is. It has been done for a while. I just haven't taken the time to post it. The doily isn't completely done. I ran out of thread to complete the whole pattern. However, it does look nice as it is. I don't have it up on etsy yet. I need to package it and figure out the best way to ship an item like this. The measurement of the doily is approximately 12 1/2 inches across. I think it turned out very pretty.

By the Pool

I have had knee surgery, and these pictures were taken before the surgery. Unfortunately, I will not be doing much activity for six weeks.

With summer winding down, I wanted to get some pics of the kids before I was put out of commission. This was a great day. It was so much fun to get the kids caught on camera. They love the pool.
Lately, I have been working on an altered book. I have never done one, so it is an experiment of sorts. When I can manage to get in here to the scanner, I will upload some images of the work.